IguanaSoft specialises in providing custom made software for small to medium businesses. All our solutions are based on your requirements, and we try to make solutions that fit into your current technology base. This is done to provide the most economical solution.
Typically small to medium businesses realise help is needed when they are spending tens of hours a week performing some boring computer related task e.g. maintaining a spreadsheet with important data, correlating data from multiple sources etc.
Then you think there must be a better way.
Well there most probably is! And IguanaSoft can help you find the best way to do this.
You can make contact with us via the details on the "Contact Us" page. Don't worry you will not be charged any money to contact us. Only the price of your phone call. If we are busy we will take down your details and we will make contact again, at time convenient to both of us. If we a not busy we will simply have a chat.
IguanaSoft uses this chat to see if we provide the services you need. The converstion will normally follow this order
- You will explain your current problem
- We will listen and most probably ask you some questions about your problem
- We will then ask you about you current IT infrastructure
- After gathering this information we will have a good Idea if we can help you. Then we will make some recommendations. The recommendation may be that we refer you to the another person or organisation that can better help you. Or if we think we can help you, we will give you a rough outline a proposed solution. Then ask if you would like to do business with us.
- If we decide to do business together, we will organise a time to meet face to face, and we can kick of a new project.
Tailored Solutions
- Internet sites
- Microsoft Windows* Applications
- Macintosh Computer# Applications
- Office Productivity Solutions
- Staff Mentoring and Training
Utilising World Class Technolgies
- Microsoft .NET connection software*
- The Microsoft Office System*